Sai Institute of Industrial Security

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To impart training to Ex-Servicemen and suitable Civilian candidates in Industrial Security to qualify them to become Security Officers/Asst. Security Officers in the Middle Management level with good Salary and Perks in the Public/Private Sector industries such as Shipyards, Power Plants, Hotels,Airlines etc.

The Institute is started in line with the White Paper on 'SAFE chennai', evolved out of panel discussion where various experts from State Police,Confederation of Indian Industries etc. took part.  Schools/Institute to train and develop security personnel and conduct workshop/refresher courses for private security personnel have been mooted.  

         Although an initiative has been taken in a small level now, the requirement of properly trained security personnel, especially Security Officers is long felt. Of late,it has become more important to have a better Security System in view of the threats posed by many external and internal forces.

                         There exists a wide diffference between a trained person and an untrained person. A trained Security Officer is an assest to that factory; whereas an untrained Security Officer is a liability. Plenty of opportunities available for qualified persons in Domestic/Overseas Industries.

Subjects Covered :

  • Security Management including Police Liaison (Core Subject)

  • Basic Law including Labour Laws ( Legal Subject)

  • Fire Fighting & First Aid (Allied Subjects)

   Educational Qualification

GRADUATE,+2,DIPLOMA   :  For Civilian candidates
10th or equivalant         :  For Ex_Servicemen
(includes men from Para Military forces.)


             Preference given to Ex-Servicemen and Ex-NCC Cadets in admission alongwith Tution Fee concession. Duration of the Course is 3 Months.


Success Aided Instructions.